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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Farewell NaNoWriMo-Greetings, December!

It's over. National Novel Writing Month 2010.

I was there. I was a Participant. I wrote. Even with the Guilt Monkey on my back and the Octopus looming around me.

I wrote at night, I wrote in the morning, while the TV was on, while my daughter was watching Bruno Mars on YouTube. Driving back from Thanksgiving in Oxnard, California-yeah-in the car-I was not driving.

Word count. The big phrase on everyones fingertips. Asking each other-What's your word count?
Various answers with emotional tags attached spilled into the forums pages and on line. FaceBook, Twitter, groups, clubs, write-ins and word sprints and word wars.
It was quite the battle for the month of November.

I was not as prepared as others. I found my rank as a Pantser as in 'flying by the seat of my pants.' I discovered Pep Talks from authors I admire and some I've even read. The biggest piece of advice was: WRITE for the sake of writing. Dont stop, let the fingers fly as ideas pour out of your head. Even if the vessel feels dry as a bone. Write something...there is no blank page.
Only quantity, words-words-words. Like machines, I and my fellow Wrimos wrote and entered our Word Count into the great Na No Word Update Calculator each night before our local time zone stroke of midnight.

The world was carved up into Regions decided by what countries, cities and areas were participating. This was all by volunteer writers. No one was forced to write.
But I for one went into this very blind. Ignorance was my bliss, hope was my editor and my daughter was my cheerleader. Had I taken some time to figure out that this would be a commitment of a minimum of 1668 words per day to average out the 50K, perhaps I would have paused and rethought diving into this typing pool of group frenzy.
I took off writing slowly, I know this because I can still view the chart of my daily progress or lack there of posted on the official website. The graph posted has a purple line that starts a zero bottom left and ascents upward at almost a true 45 degree angle. Each day I wrote my column for my word count would creep up closer to that line. That is IF I wrote my minimum of 1668 WPD. I did not.

For one thing, I did not discover the graph until Week 3 of NaNo. I was confused hearing about 'the purple line'. I had connected with other Wrimos (that is what we are called) on FaceBook on a regional group page. The writers were so varied. Young high school students, moms, college students, artists, so many out there.
I connected with about 11 Wrimos online and we would start a chat about our challenges writing. Physically, time wise and of course dealing with Writer's Block.
I read on Pep talk int he beginning, labeled under the Get Started Now tab.

Basically, it said to write-don't think, don't correct spelling or grammar, don't stop, just write, yes, there will be crap, you want quantity right now, not quality...write. Right now.
So, I did. I wrote. Sometimes in a frenzy during a word sprint spurred on by others in the Phoenix group. Ready, set, Write! For 15 minutes or 30 minutes at a go, we would write and then post our word count to each other for mutal admiration. And only then would we exhale and take a deep breath in and start again.

My final word count is 25,000, give or take a few. Some of it junk, most of it good. There are random interjections where I wandered off my story line-but I kept writing. I refused to be stopped by the BLOCK.

I will post again when I have collected my sanity from underneath my keyboard..... whew.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Goodbye October... Hello NaNoWriMo

I will be busy come November. Please don't try to book an appointment with me. I am not available for trivial events such as lunch or a movie. I will be busy with my regular back office desk job as QUALIFI's Client Care Manager(quotes all around). It's the usual, saving small business owners from clients with low credit scores, FAXing and emailing documents to the finacial entities we are partnered with. Training the local new client-how to use the payment system --but now there will be more.

I will become immersed in NaNoWriMo. I figure I am close to losing what's left of my mind, so I might as well give it the push it deserves over the edge.

National Novel Writing Month. Been going on since 1999. I missed all the previous years, but not this year. This is the year of my novel.
Writing 50,000 words in 30 days. I am expected to produce quantity, not quality. Finally, I am getting encouragement for creating CRAP! It is a group effort, hundreds of thousands of people-writer wanna-bees. Regular people with a dream in their heart. 30 days. Average 1,666 words a day will produce a 175 page novel. What a novel idea.

I just had a feeling of what it will be like: SCUBA. The sensation when I've plunged into the ocean from the dive boat. The flurry of the air that I drug down with my body, escaping past me, back to the surface. My body, with an air tank strapped to my back, my feet, now finned and flexible, my eyes adjusting to the skewed visual I have through my mask-I become neutrally buoyant as I slip into a slow motion version of myself. The water closes around me like a friendly blanket. I am immediately comfortable at home in salty liquid.

The only voice is my own, in my head taking in all the sights. The thoughts start zooming through my mind trying to record everything I see. I don't want to miss a single thing.The sounds are only my sounds. And if I am quiet, beyond the draw of the regulator, I can hear my heartbeat in my head, feel it in my chest as I tune into my channel. Or channel into my tune.

Last month, I made the effort to go hear Jean Michel Cousteau speak during the National Geographic LIVE series in Mesa, AZ. I grew up watching his father-Captain Jacques Cousteau invite me into that wonderful world. An audience member asked after the presentation, what was his favorite dive. Mssr. Cousteau answered, "The next one."

The future is always more alluring than the past or the present. I think it is the unknown, part dreams and part hope.

I think NaNoWriMo will be like that. I will get into my creative wetsuit and dive into a sea of words, phrases, sentence structures, characters, plots and ideas. I will try to take them all in and make sense of what I can grasp, focus on, feel and hear.

I will surface December 1st. 50,000 words from Under The Sea of Me.

Fins UP!