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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Deserving Love

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it."
~Swedish proverb

How often do we feel that we don't deserve love? I think that as a woman, it is more difficult to feel deserving. We work so hard at helping others, sometimes I belive we forget to focus on ourselves. We bestow gifts and applause on others, but shy away and shake our heads when someone wants to do the same for us.

Giving vs. Receiving

We learned as children, "'Tis better to give than it is to receive..." Well, if everyone is giving, who is doing the receiving? How often have we encountered people who argue with us? "Oh, no thank you, I don't deserve THAT......Oh you didn't HAVE to do that..." Thanks a my ovature is crap. why did I even bother? Wouldn't it be interesting if we agreed with the person the next time they said something like that? "Ya know, Susie, your right, you don't deserve this gift, I think I'll keep it for myself." Now THAT would spark some thought.

I've learned to look at receiving a gift or a compliment-even love; as a form of giving. I am giving the OTHER person the opportunity to give. And see the joy they experience just as I enjoy giving.

Why do we believe we DON'T deserve love? Or anything else for that matter? For me it was years of conditioning-feeling that my self was worth-less. Less that anyone else so why should I receive something that I did not deserve?

Edification is a wonderful awareness place for me. I now know how to give and receive love, edify another person and give someone else the chance to give.
What are some struggles you have had with 'deserving love' or receiving? How did you deal with them? Please GIVE me your responses.....I'd LOVE to receive them!

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